Who is a creative person? - well, anyone who can think is creative.
Think about it - every profession be it a banker, an analyst, a stock broker, an investment banker, a doctor, a cop, a pilot, a chef, a writer, a marketer - each one of these professionals have numerous tasks and issues they are faced with daily. The answers are not really inscribed in stone anywhere. They are forced to pull up all of their mental faculties and literally look for answers blowing in the wind. The solutions are more often than not, new and out of the box - that calls for the art of creative thinking.
These inspirations mostly arise from something , someplace, some sense that we have seen, felt, touched, watched, read, experienced somewhere sometime. It's pretty random actually and fascinating, how the brain pulls up these fleeting moments suddenly and cause flashes that help us string theories together and voila come up with an innovative fix!
For me, personally, books have been a huge influence in my daily work. They keep me energized, active and alive. When I am stumped for an idea and my mind draws a blank, I often just shut everything out and read. It brings equilibrium to my mind and calibrates it to a clean slate on which I can start painting once more.
So, here is a mish mash of some of the books that have been great companions over the years:
Sigmund Freud – The Interpretation of Dreams
Mary Higgins Clark – All Around the Town
Amish Tripathi – The Immortals of Meluha
Arthur Conan Doyle – Adventures of Sherlock
Jane Austin – Pride and Prejudice
J.D. Salinger – The Catcher in the Rye
Roald Dahl – The Complete Short Stories
Jeffery Archer – Kane and Abel
Anurag Mathur – The Inscrutable Americans
10. Robert
Louis Stevenson – The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
11. Mario
Puzo – The Godfather
12. Dan
Brown – Digital Fortress
13. Enid
Blyton – The Mystery of the Disappearing Cat
14. Paulo
Coelho – The Alchemist
15. Ernesto
Guevara – The Motorcycle Diaries
16. Robin
Sharma – The Monk who sold his Ferrari
17. Malcolm
Gladwell – The Tipping Point
18. D&AD
- The Copy Book
19. Alan
Fletcher - The Art of looking sideways
20. David
Ogilvy - Ogilvy on Advertising
21. George Martin - The Song of Fire and Ice
Reading is indeed the raison d'etre! Have a great weekend folks!
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